1. lba::MANHATAN
    The Midtown Manhattan Study
  2. lba::PerfMark
  3. lba::housing
    The Satisfaction with Housing Conditions Study
  4. lba::postmater
    Environmental problems and Cancer
  5. lba::pregnancy
    Pregnancy-Related Mortality in California
  6. lba::votB
    Voting Behaviour in Netherlands
  7. ScottKnott::CRD1
    Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
  8. ScottKnott::CRD2
    Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
  9. ScottKnott::FE
    Factorial Experiment (FE)
  10. ScottKnott::LSD
    Latin Squares Design (LSD)
  11. ScottKnott::RCBD
    Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)
  12. ScottKnott::SPE
    Split-plot Experiment (SPE)
  13. ScottKnott::SPET
    Split-plot Experiment in Time (SPET)
  14. ScottKnott::SSPE
    Split-split-plot Experiment (SSPE)
  15. ScottKnott::sorghum
    Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
  16. TukeyC::CRD1
    Completely Randomized Design (CRD)
  17. TukeyC::CRD2
    Completely Randomized Design ('CRD')
  18. TukeyC::FE
    Factorial Experiment (FE)
  19. TukeyC::LSD
    Latin Squares Design (LSD)
  20. TukeyC::RCBD
    Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)
  21. TukeyC::SPE
    Split-plot Experiment (SPE)
  22. TukeyC::SPET
    Split-plot Experiment in Time (SPET)
  23. TukeyC::SSPE
    Split-split-plot Experiment (SSPE)
  24. TukeyC::sorghum
    Completely Randomized Design (CRD)